Tuesday, June 9, 2020

An upgraded definition of self confidence

woman smiling wearing flower crown

                                                                                                         Picture of Autumn Goodman from Unsplash.

There are a lot of misconceptions about self confidence that I have seen and experienced. I used to think that self confidence means always being absolutely sure that things will work out how I exactly imagined them to be. However I have also learned another definition which made my life easier, in other words, this definition contained less pressure on myself. Here it is: 

Self confidence doesn't mean having all answers in every situation, it means that you deeply know that whatever happens to you, you will deal with it. 

That’s it. You trust yourself that you will always take full power and responsibility to deal with any situation that comes. You do not need to know at that same moment how, trust that it will be shown to you. 

It is also worth mentioning that we always have self confidence, we never lose it, we just invest it often in a wrong direction. By that I mean, you always trust in certain scenarios and most people when confronting situations by default approach them with negativity because that is how their mind operates if it's not consciously used. So they are fully confident, but in something they don't want to experience.

Here is one small practise for you that might help build more confidence in yourself.

Next time when you experience a challenging situation before you react by default, step aside, detach from your chattering mind and ask yourself: What is the worst that can happen if I do this and what will happen if I choose not to do it? Let it sit and observe what will come out as an answer. Whatever you choose, align with the decision with full power and integrity. I promise you that when you make decisions aligned to yourself, the outcome is almost certainly beneficial for you.

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