Monday, July 3, 2017

Brussels and waffles

Last week I visited beautiful city of Brussels. I must say probably one of the most underrated travel destinations in Europe and yet this city has soo much to offer. First we landed at the Brussels airport which is by the way very well organized. You can fly from Hamburg pretty cheap with Ryanair, so I haven’t hesitated at all to book the ticket. The airport has directions all over written in English, German and French. So you have almost zero chances to get lost.  I was very amazed that people here have 3 official languages, but to be honest, they mostly speak French.  Nevertheless, very friendly welcoming. After landing we went directly to our flat that we rented via airbnb, dropped our stuff and went for a city stroll. We walked all day long, because our place was very close to the city centre, so basically we didn’t use any public transport and saved our money for great food and drinks later on. The city itself is not too big, so ,more or less, you just need few days to visit all the hot spots. The centre of Brussels is very chick and beautiful. If I can describe it in few words I would say it is a mix of French and German influence, with very  pretty historical buildings. The Grand Palace is the main spot there, which you shouldn’t miss. Looks so rich and stunning. The fun fact that I’ve heard there is that the whole building is full of architecture mistakes, the structure is very asymmetric ..but you wouldn’t tell at all at the first glance. The place is ,of course, full of tourists but you can definitely manage to make few nice shots. The next hot spot is the statute of Maneken pis. Who would’ve thought that this would be one of the main signs of the city. Have a look at it and you will understand why I say it J What I would certainly recommend you is to join one of the free tours that are always offered by very nice groups of students who made several tour organisations and offer their city tour for free! And btw it is in English, so win win. The whole tour takes around 3h and it covers all the main landmarks in the city centre. In that way, you can learn more about great Belgian history, some fun facts and best places to eat, drink and buy souvenirs. Now when I said food and drinks , of course a must have are waffles, lots of chocolates, frit and bear. The best brunch I’ve ever had was at the place called Holy bagels, you can see on my Instagram some photos I’ve made, but simply said - breakfast heaven. Since I am such a fan of good food and coffee in the morning, no doubt you can find all of that there! When it comes to waffles there are always cheaper and more expensive offers. The one we tried was at Maison Dandoy just before the Maneken Pis statue and it was delish. You can’t go wrong  with any waffle in Belgium J For all beer lovers I would definitely recommend Delirium bar where you can try over 100 different types of bears, but just take into account that it’s always full and you might have to wait to be served.  But now, aside from those places, the thing that really impressed me in Brussels is amazing street art. Streets are full of beautiful murals, you should just get lost in those side streets and you will discover stunning art!

When it comes to travel fashion chats, depending on the weather, I like to wear very comfy clothes when I’m traveling. So jeans, shirts and sneakers always find their way to my suitcase. Because it is beginning of summer I tend to wear light colours, and since pink is so trendy this season, had to go for my fav zara T shirt with white pearls that are soo cute. I also packed my pastel pink EDITED bag and a pair of white jeans. Also don’t forget to bring a pair of sunglasses and bottle of water of course, cause it’s quite exhausting strolling all day long J.

So there you go guys, my small Brussels weekend guide ..I hope you find it useful if you plan to go there. Let me know if you already visited Brussels or you maybe live there. Would really like to hear your fav hot spots!
Love x
Shirt: ZARA 
Jeans: ZARA
Bag: edited
Shoes: puma

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