Saturday, February 3, 2018

Wake up

I once read in amazing book following: Imagine that every morning when you wake up one bank puts on your account exactly 86.400eur. What would you do with that gift? There are however certain rules. First rule is: everything you didn't spend over the day will be taken from you at the evening! You can't cheat, or transact that money on the other account. You have the right to spend this money exclusively on that same day, but don't forget that every morning when you open your eyes the bank is opening you new account with new 86.400eur, and so on every single day. Second rule is: the bank can stop this 'game' without any warning. At any point it can cancel it and your account would definitely be closed.
Of course most of you would spend this money on the most beautiful way , on yourself as well as on people you love. You will do your best that every spent euro brings you joy and happiness.
So where is that bank? That bank we all have at our disposal. It is TIME! Every morning when we wake up, our life bank gives us a credit of 86.400 sec of life every day. Everything that we didn't spend time on today is forever lost. Yesterday is forever gone! However, every day magic repeats. We should keep in mind one thing- bank can close the deal at any moment, without warning. So how are you spending 86.400 sec every day?

I wanted to share this story with you because it helped me to be more aware and CONSCIOUS of the time we have here. I think the worst thing that can happen to anyone is to live unconsciously. Not being aware of how or on what are you spending time. Not being aware of choices you make but blaming other people, situations, country, weather, traffic on what's happening in your life. As soon as you start living consciously you will bring back power to YOU. You will not only believe, but even better, you will know that everything starts and comes from you. That you are capable for creating everything your mind imagines. Nobody else is responsible for all the failures that come alongside but also for all the success. There is no such a thing like luck, you are creating it all the time, mostly unconsciously..but why not starting consciously and deliberately?! How do you do it? By being aware that at every moment you have the right of CHOICE. That's the biggest gift that we ever got. You can always choose first of all your thoughts. Because thoughts create things at the endpoint. So chose wisely the thoughts that serve you. The ones that serve you always feel good, don't forget that. 
And the list can go on with choosing people who surround you, work, place you live in, food you eat etc. I just wanted to remind you about how powerful we are, that we can truly make this life experience amazing by first start living more consciously and choosing how we spend our time. So now I will ask you again, how are you going to spend 84.600 sec today?

With love and gratitude xx

     Photo credits Mathias Schacht

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